Business Models Inc. CEO
Patrick van der Pijl is CEO of Business Models Inc., worldwide keynote speaker, best selling author, and renowned business model strategist. Patrick founded Business Models Inc (BMI•), a global design agency on strategy and innovation in 2009 with offices in US, Europe, Australia and Taiwan. He has a passion for strategic visioning, graphic facilitation and storytelling. BMI• was awarded with the Pioneer Design Award for democratization of the innovation and strategy tools. His company is also the proud winner of the Australian Good Design Pioneer Award and the American Design Management Institute Award.
NEC Visionary Week 2021
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長

パトリック・ファン・デル・ピール 氏
Business Models Inc. CEO
データ利活用、スマートシティ、サーキュラーエコノミーなど、世界では新たな多層化するビジネスモデルが登場しています。NECのDX戦略を担うFuture Creation Designグループはオランダに本社をおくBusiness Models Inc.と業務提携をしており、同社CEOのPatrick 氏をお迎えし、注目すべき世界最先端のビジネスモデルについてお話しを伺います。