
MapleStory Universe Head of BD/Partnerships

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business NEXPACE (MapleStory Universe) Head of BD/Partnerships, NEXPACE Nexon Korea Intelligence Labs Strategy Development, Team Lead Corporate Strategy and Business Development, Corpdev Manager Global Business Division, BD Manager


2024/08/28 〜 2024/08/29
  • 海外講演者
  • 民間企業
  • ディスカッション
  • その他職名


MapleStory Universe Head of BD/Partnerships


This panel focuses on the challenges and opportunities in the Game-Fi sector of the Web3 industry. It brings together leaders from prominent Game-Fi projects to discuss the obstacles facing widespread adoption of blockchain-based games and explore innovative solutions to overcome these challenges. The panelists will share insights from their experiences in developing and managing successful Game-Fi projects, offering valuable perspectives on the future of this emerging field.