
タイ投資委員会(BOI) 長官

Ms.Duangjai Asawachintachit joined Office of the Board of Investment (BOI) in 1984. She served as Assistant Secretary General from 2008 to 2010, Deputy Secretary General from 2010 to 2017. Then, since 2017, she was appointed Secretary General of BOI.

日ASEANビジネスウィーク ~toward Innovative and Sustainable Growth~

2021/05/24 〜 2021/05/28
  • 海外講演者
  • 他所属
  • 基調講演
  • 管理職


タイ投資委員会(BOI) 長官

タイの BCG(Bio, Circular, Green)分野での新たなビジネス機会
