
Neo Head of Eco-Growth

John Wang is the Head of Neo Ecosystem Growth, bringing with him numerous years of experience in management consulting and several instances of successful entrepreneurial ventures. He is currently tasked with spearheading the development of the Neo ecosystem.


2024/08/28 〜 2024/08/29
  • 海外講演者
  • 民間企業
  • ディスカッション
  • その他職名


Neo Head of Eco-Growth

クロスチェーン通信: 相互運用可能なブロックチェーンネットワークの未来

This panel explores the crucial topic of cross-chain communication and interoperability in blockchain networks. The speakers, representing diverse projects and organizations in the blockchain space, will discuss the challenges and opportunities in creating seamless interactions between different blockchain ecosystems. They'll examine the importance of interoperability for the future of decentralized technologies, current solutions, and potential innovations that could shape the landscape of interconnected blockchain networks.