
ApeCoin DAO Special Council

Waabam is a Special Council member of the APE Foundation and is the ApeCoin DAO lead on ApeChain. As a teenager, Waabam sold virtual items in EverQuest for a life-changing amount of real-life money, which ignited a passion for digital ownership and gaming that has carried over into his career in web3 and blockchain gaming. Trained as a lawyer, Waabam left a national law firm in 2022 to work in the ApeCoin DAO, where he is now building ApeChain.


2024/08/28 〜 2024/08/29
  • 海外講演者
  • 民間企業
  • ディスカッション
  • その他職名


ApeCoin DAO Special Council

ApeChain: First Look

How ApeChain solves key issues facing blockchain ecosystems today