
Sustainable Brands Thailand Country Director

Dr. Sirikul established her own consulting firm after working for global corporations for nearly twenty years. The mission of her firm is to be a small but competent strategic advisory company with the aim of working with Thai clients who truly believe in sustainable branding and systematic methodology. Her approach to developing brand strategy is based upon the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. Her background ranges from communication to management, to sustainable development. This together with her own unique combination of creative flair and strategic thinking make her a ‘one of a kind’ consultant. Dr. Sirikul can provide strategic and holistic recommendations that are sensible and practical for each client’s issues. Her strength is her expertise in compelling brand strategy development—Brand Model & Brand Architecture as well as Branded CSR. She has been representing SB (Sustainable Brands) in Thailand since 2016, and has successfully organized conferences among business circles for more than 7 years. In addition to SB, she initiated the “Porlaewdee The Creator” program, aimed at strengthening immunity among young entrepreneurs with Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.


2024/02/21 〜 2024/02/22
  • 海外講演者
  • 民間企業
  • ディスカッション
  • その他職名


Sustainable Brands Thailand Country Director

