- #すべて
- #AI(人工知能)
- #DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)
- #DX(デジタル・トランスフォーメーション)
- #EC/D2C
- #Femtech(フェムテック)
- #Fintech
- #M&A・事業投資
- #MaaS
- #Sales(営業)
- #Web3
- #Well-being(ウェルビーイング)
- #まちづくり
- #イノベーション
- #エンジニアリング/プロダクト
- #カスタマーサクセス
- #キャリア
- #クラウド
- #クリエイティブ
- #グローバルビジネス
- #コミュニティ
- #コンテンツ
- #コンプライアンス
- #コーチング
- #サイバーセキュリティ
- #シェアリングエコノミー
- #スタートアップ
- #スポーツビジネス
- #スモールビジネス
- #ダイバーシティ
- #データ活用
- #バックオフィス
- #ビジネスマインド
- #ファッション
- #ブランド
- #プラットフォーム
- #マーケティング
- #メタバース
- #リーダーシップ
- #事業継承
- #人事戦略(HR)
- #企業変革(CX)
- #健康管理
- #働き方改革
- #動画ビジネス
- #地方創生
- #外食産業
- #宇宙ビジネス
- #小売業DX
- #市場開拓
- #広報・PR
- #教育
- #教育・研究
- #新規事業
- #法務
- #現場DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)
- #社会変革
- #経理
- #自治体DX
- #製薬業DX
- #製造業DX
- #資産形成
- #農業ビジネス
- #金融業
- #雑談
- #顧客体験(CX)
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
河西紀明 氏
VPoE室 デザインプログラムマネージャー
人は失敗するたびに何かを学ぶ――失敗は学びの金脈です。デジタルプロダクトの開発において、過去に体験した「泣く泣く終了したサービス・機能」を振り返っていただき、失敗から得られたデザインの学びや気付きを発表します。 ※当セッションは、テレビ朝日の「しくじり先生 俺みたいになるな!!」とは関係ありません。
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
向井毅男 氏
株式会社Mobility Technologies
プロダクトマネジメント本部 デザイン部 プロダクトデザイングループ グループリーダー
人は失敗するたびに何かを学ぶ――失敗は学びの金脈です。デジタルプロダクトの開発において、過去に体験した「泣く泣く終了したサービス・機能」を振り返っていただき、失敗から得られたデザインの学びや気付きを発表します。 ※当セッションは、テレビ朝日の「しくじり先生 俺みたいになるな!!」とは関係ありません。
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
武本敏治 氏
Ameba事業本部 ブランドエクスペリエンスデザイナー
人は失敗するたびに何かを学ぶ――失敗は学びの金脈です。デジタルプロダクトの開発において、過去に体験した「泣く泣く終了したサービス・機能」を振り返っていただき、失敗から得られたデザインの学びや気付きを発表します。 ※当セッションは、テレビ朝日の「しくじり先生 俺みたいになるな!!」とは関係ありません。
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- その他職名
森建二 氏
クリエイティブグループ コミュニケーションデザイナー
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- 管理職
菊地泰輔 氏
クリエイティブディレクター / アートディレクター
資生堂の初代社長 福原信三が1916年に設立した「意匠部」をオリジンとするクリエイティブ部門が、2022年1月、新たな別会社としてスタートしました。100年以上にわたる継承と進化、「資生堂スタイル」というミームを紐解きます。
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
齋藤洋介 氏
Biz Designチーム マネージャー
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
上原茂実 氏
CPO室 プロダクトデザイングループ グループマネジャー
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
三井拓郎 氏
Visionalグループ 株式会社ビズリーチ
コミュニケーションデザイン室 室長
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 役員
古結隆介 氏
CDO / 最高デザイン責任者
「広義のデザイン」をキーワードに、経営や事業開発、戦略策定などに携わるデザイナーが増えてきました。一方で、当事者意識を持ちづらい方もまだ多くいます。「難しそうだから“やれない”」から「面白そうだから“やりたい”」へ。 デザイナーが立ち上げから携わった事業やサービスを例に、ハウツーにとどまらない醍醐味を発表します。
あつまるデザナレ 2022
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
松田涼 氏
デザイン本部 ブランドデザイン室 / サービスデザイン部 第一グループ
「広義のデザイン」をキーワードに、経営や事業開発、戦略策定などに携わるデザイナーが増えてきました。一方で、当事者意識を持ちづらい方もまだ多くいます。「難しそうだから“やれない”」から「面白そうだから“やりたい”」へ。 デザイナーが立ち上げから携わった事業やサービスを例に、ハウツーにとどまらない醍醐味を発表します。
Adobe Co-creation Forum ~ 未来の'共創'をデザインする ~
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
加藤友哉 氏
生産性を高める、MicrosoftとAdobe Document Cloudのネイティブ連携ソリューション
Adobe Co-creation Forum ~ 未来の'共創'をデザインする ~
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
岩松健史 氏
営業戦略部 ビジネスデベロップメントマネージャー
生産性を高める、MicrosoftとAdobe Document Cloudのネイティブ連携ソリューション
Adobe Co-creation Forum ~ 未来の'共創'をデザインする ~
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- 社長
落合陽一 氏
ピクシーダストテクノロジーズ株式会社 CEO
Adobe Co-creation Forum ~ 未来の'共創'をデザインする ~
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- 管理職
宇野香織 氏
アドビ株式会社 デジタルメディア事業統括本部 エンタープライズ製品戦略部 シニアマネージャー
企業が「メタバースに対応」するには 〜アドビの価値と役割〜
Adobe Co-creation Forum ~ 未来の'共創'をデザインする ~
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- 基調講演
- 役員
浅野智 氏
アドビ株式会社 デジタルメディア事業統括本部 常務執行役員 統括本部長
Adobe Vision Pitch
Adobe Co-creation Forum ~ 未来の'共創'をデザインする ~
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- 基調講演
- 社長
高岡浩三 氏
ケイアンドカンパニー株式会社 代表取締役社長
Adobe Co-creation Forum ~ 未来の'共創'をデザインする ~
- 国内講演者
- 国・地方公共団体
- 専門職
西垣淳子 氏
デザイン経営の推進に向けて ~意思決定プロセスの変容とプロトタイピングの価値~
Adobe Co-creation Forum ~ 未来の'共創'をデザインする ~
- 国内講演者
- 民間企業
- 管理職
市川和子 氏
IDC Japan PC,携帯端末&クライアントソリューショングループマネージャー
Future of Workstyle – 働き方の未来:コラボレーションによる共創(イノベーション
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
SteveHammond 氏
VP Experience Cloud & Adobe Workfront, Adobe
When Marketing Work Flows, Customer Experiences Do Too
The way you enable marketing work is far from a nice-to-have. It’s a competitive differentiator, a key to maximizing your results, and the lynchpin to creating a scalable content engine to power personalized customer interactions. Learn how Adobe Workfront connects the dots between the other products in your Adobe marketing stack, amplifying the efforts of your marketing and creative teams and leading to the more efficient delivery of winning customer experiences.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
KariWoolf 氏
Principal Product Marketing Manager, Adobe
When Marketing Work Flows, Customer Experiences Do Too
The way you enable marketing work is far from a nice-to-have. It’s a competitive differentiator, a key to maximizing your results, and the lynchpin to creating a scalable content engine to power personalized customer interactions. Learn how Adobe Workfront connects the dots between the other products in your Adobe marketing stack, amplifying the efforts of your marketing and creative teams and leading to the more efficient delivery of winning customer experiences.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長
ScottHorst 氏
Vice President of Brand, Creative, and Digital, Lumen
When Marketing Work Flows, Customer Experiences Do Too
The way you enable marketing work is far from a nice-to-have. It’s a competitive differentiator, a key to maximizing your results, and the lynchpin to creating a scalable content engine to power personalized customer interactions. Learn how Adobe Workfront connects the dots between the other products in your Adobe marketing stack, amplifying the efforts of your marketing and creative teams and leading to the more efficient delivery of winning customer experiences.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
EvaBruchez 氏
Manager Center of Excellence, Adobe
When Marketing Work Flows, Customer Experiences Do Too
The way you enable marketing work is far from a nice-to-have. It’s a competitive differentiator, a key to maximizing your results, and the lynchpin to creating a scalable content engine to power personalized customer interactions. Learn how Adobe Workfront connects the dots between the other products in your Adobe marketing stack, amplifying the efforts of your marketing and creative teams and leading to the more efficient delivery of winning customer experiences.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
SarahTakahashi 氏
Sr. Solutions Consultant, Adobe
Orchestrating and Delivering Personalized Consumer Journeys
Today, a brand’s success or failure is determined by its ability to anticipate and respond to ever-increasing customer expectations for personalized, connected experiences. This means facilitating journeys that put the customer — not channels — first, and strike a balance between marketing and CX priorities to deliver value across the customer lifecycle.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
BrianGlover 氏
Sr. Director, Product Marketing and Strategy, Adobe
Orchestrate B2B Customer Journeys Across Marketing and Sales
Customer relationships are built on great experiences. In today’s digital and virtual landscape, that means omnichannel, personalized engagement continuously orchestrated in concert with sales and delivered with empathy and agility. As digital transformation has accelerated, so has the pace of innovation in B2B marketing automation. Hear how Adobe is continuing to raise the bar in helping businesses enable seamless buyer journeys across marketing and sales touchpoints, unlock the power of unified customer profiles and AI, and crack the code on measuring and maximizing marketing ROI.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 役員
BillKircos 氏
CMO, Honeywell
Orchestrate B2B Customer Journeys Across Marketing and Sales
Customer relationships are built on great experiences. In today’s digital and virtual landscape, that means omnichannel, personalized engagement continuously orchestrated in concert with sales and delivered with empathy and agility. As digital transformation has accelerated, so has the pace of innovation in B2B marketing automation. Hear how Adobe is continuing to raise the bar in helping businesses enable seamless buyer journeys across marketing and sales touchpoints, unlock the power of unified customer profiles and AI, and crack the code on measuring and maximizing marketing ROI.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
ReneeBoertje 氏
Sr. Solutions Consultant, Adobe
Orchestrate B2B Customer Journeys Across Marketing and Sales
Customer relationships are built on great experiences. In today’s digital and virtual landscape, that means omnichannel, personalized engagement continuously orchestrated in concert with sales and delivered with empathy and agility. As digital transformation has accelerated, so has the pace of innovation in B2B marketing automation. Hear how Adobe is continuing to raise the bar in helping businesses enable seamless buyer journeys across marketing and sales touchpoints, unlock the power of unified customer profiles and AI, and crack the code on measuring and maximizing marketing ROI.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
AndreaPennycooke 氏
Head of Marketing Technology and Digital Commerce, Truist
Orchestrating and Delivering Personalized Consumer Journeys
Today, a brand’s success or failure is determined by its ability to anticipate and respond to ever-increasing customer expectations for personalized, connected experiences. This means facilitating journeys that put the customer — not channels — first, and strike a balance between marketing and CX priorities to deliver value across the customer lifecycle.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長
JaySivasailam 氏
VP Omnichannel Marketing, Anthem
Content Personalization That Delivers Business Value
Delivering engaging, personalized, and consistently exceptional experience at every moment of touch has now become a competitive differentiator that can make or break your business. With the number of devices and the speed with which your audiences switch channels during their journey, brands require an intelligent content system that brings operational efficiency while optimizing for business value. Join us to learn about Adobe’s content solution as the key imperative to your modern experience management that democratizes content authoring, makes omnichannel delivery a breeze, and scales personalization to make every experience count.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
BenTepfer 氏
Sr. Technical Evangelist, Adobe
Content Personalization That Delivers Business Value
Delivering engaging, personalized, and consistently exceptional experience at every moment of touch has now become a competitive differentiator that can make or break your business. With the number of devices and the speed with which your audiences switch channels during their journey, brands require an intelligent content system that brings operational efficiency while optimizing for business value. Join us to learn about Adobe’s content solution as the key imperative to your modern experience management that democratizes content authoring, makes omnichannel delivery a breeze, and scales personalization to make every experience count.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長
LoniStark 氏
VP Experience Manager and Commerce, Adobe
Personalized Commerce for Digital Business
Being prepared for the possible is no longer optional. Customer loyalty, personal and scalable shopping, and buying experiences across the digital and physical is the best way to lay the foundation of success. Learn how Adobe Commerce helps businesses deliver experiences that convert and keep customers coming back.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
HerriotStobo 氏
Director, Omnichannel Innovation & Product, HP Inc
Personalized Commerce for Digital Business
Being prepared for the possible is no longer optional. Customer loyalty, personal and scalable shopping, and buying experiences across the digital and physical is the best way to lay the foundation of success. Learn how Adobe Commerce helps businesses deliver experiences that convert and keep customers coming back.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
JenniferSmall 氏
Sr. Solutions Consultant, Adobe
Personalized Commerce for Digital Business
Being prepared for the possible is no longer optional. Customer loyalty, personal and scalable shopping, and buying experiences across the digital and physical is the best way to lay the foundation of success. Learn how Adobe Commerce helps businesses deliver experiences that convert and keep customers coming back.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長
SundeepParsa 氏
VP Customer Journey Management, Adobe
Orchestrating and Delivering Personalized Consumer Journeys
Today, a brand’s success or failure is determined by its ability to anticipate and respond to ever-increasing customer expectations for personalized, connected experiences. This means facilitating journeys that put the customer — not channels — first, and strike a balance between marketing and CX priorities to deliver value across the customer lifecycle.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
AmyRobson 氏
Sr. Product Manager / Regional Evangelist, Adobe
Personalization at Scale Powered by Adobe Experience Platform
Why will only a platform approach deliver personalization at scale? Experience makers face formidable challenges to delivering business results and experiences. Complex tech stacks and point solution integrations have fallen short in the face of high expectations of personalization, the looming deprecation of third-party cookies, and consent and governance being more important than ever before. Yet for every challenge, there is opportunity. And with Adobe Experience Platform powering Real-Time CDP, the application behind personalization at scale for B2C and B2B, bringing customer data together into actionable profiles and activating consistently across channels helps experience makers seize those opportunities. Join us to learn about recent and upcoming product innovations and see them in action.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
HareshKumar 氏
Director of Strategy and Product Marketing, AEM, Adobe
Content Personalization That Delivers Business Value
Delivering engaging, personalized, and consistently exceptional experience at every moment of touch has now become a competitive differentiator that can make or break your business. With the number of devices and the speed with which your audiences switch channels during their journey, brands require an intelligent content system that brings operational efficiency while optimizing for business value. Join us to learn about Adobe’s content solution as the key imperative to your modern experience management that democratizes content authoring, makes omnichannel delivery a breeze, and scales personalization to make every experience count.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
EricMatisoff 氏
Principal Evangelist, Analytics & Data Science, Adobe
Customer Journey Analytics: Insights Into the Rest of the Story
It takes only one additional data point to make you rethink your entire understanding about an audience or an experience. If you design personalized customer experiences using just part of the story, you risk wasting precious marketing resources, and you could squander valuable opportunities to interact with your customers. Omnichannel insights – not data – are the building blocks for compelling personalized interactions and provide the critical context needed to deliver on customer expectations in the moments that matter. Join us to learn how to rethink what it means to extract value from data and discover the rest of the story about your customers.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
AnjulBhambhri 氏
SVP of Adobe Experience Platform and Solutions, Adobe
Personalization at Scale Powered by Adobe Experience Platform
Why will only a platform approach deliver personalization at scale? Experience makers face formidable challenges to delivering business results and experiences. Complex tech stacks and point solution integrations have fallen short in the face of high expectations of personalization, the looming deprecation of third-party cookies, and consent and governance being more important than ever before. Yet for every challenge, there is opportunity. And with Adobe Experience Platform powering Real-Time CDP, the application behind personalization at scale for B2C and B2B, bringing customer data together into actionable profiles and activating consistently across channels helps experience makers seize those opportunities. Join us to learn about recent and upcoming product innovations and see them in action.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 役員
GeorgeHanson 氏
SVP Chief Digital Officer, Panera
Personalization at Scale Powered by Adobe Experience Platform
Why will only a platform approach deliver personalization at scale? Experience makers face formidable challenges to delivering business results and experiences. Complex tech stacks and point solution integrations have fallen short in the face of high expectations of personalization, the looming deprecation of third-party cookies, and consent and governance being more important than ever before. Yet for every challenge, there is opportunity. And with Adobe Experience Platform powering Real-Time CDP, the application behind personalization at scale for B2C and B2B, bringing customer data together into actionable profiles and activating consistently across channels helps experience makers seize those opportunities. Join us to learn about recent and upcoming product innovations and see them in action.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 役員
MichaelSutherland 氏
Chief Transformation Officer, Real Madrid
Make the Digital Economy Personal
Organizations that develop true customer connections will thrive in the digital economy. Learn from Adobe executives, Ryan Reynolds, and executives from Walgreens Boots Alliance, NIKE, and the American Red Cross as they share how customer experiences are the currency of our digital economy. Discover how exceptional, personalized customer experiences are key to business growth today and in the future.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 役員
KristenBell 氏
Actress, Philanthropist, and Producer
Summit Sneaks with Kristen Bell
Once a year, Adobe employee, from engineers and data scientists to UX designers and product managers, have the opportunity to share innovative ideas to evolve the way brands interact with their customers. Join us for Adobe Sneaks, where we share the top projects.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 他所属
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
JeffAllen 氏
Sr. Director, Product Marketing, Analytics, Adobe
Customer Journey Analytics: Insights Into the Rest of the Story
It takes only one additional data point to make you rethink your entire understanding about an audience or an experience. If you design personalized customer experiences using just part of the story, you risk wasting precious marketing resources, and you could squander valuable opportunities to interact with your customers. Omnichannel insights – not data – are the building blocks for compelling personalized interactions and provide the critical context needed to deliver on customer expectations in the moments that matter. Join us to learn how to rethink what it means to extract value from data and discover the rest of the story about your customers.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 役員
ZacheryAnderson 氏
Chief Data and Analytics Officer, NatWest Group
Customer Journey Analytics: Insights Into the Rest of the Story
It takes only one additional data point to make you rethink your entire understanding about an audience or an experience. If you design personalized customer experiences using just part of the story, you risk wasting precious marketing resources, and you could squander valuable opportunities to interact with your customers. Omnichannel insights – not data – are the building blocks for compelling personalized interactions and provide the critical context needed to deliver on customer expectations in the moments that matter. Join us to learn how to rethink what it means to extract value from data and discover the rest of the story about your customers.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 他所属
- ディスカッション
- その他職名
RyanReynolds 氏
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, and Entrepreneur
Make the Digital Economy Personal
Organizations that develop true customer connections will thrive in the digital economy. Learn from Adobe executives, Ryan Reynolds, and executives from Walgreens Boots Alliance, NIKE, and the American Red Cross as they share how customer experiences are the currency of our digital economy. Discover how exceptional, personalized customer experiences are key to business growth today and in the future.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長
RosalindBrewer 氏
CEO, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.
Make the Digital Economy Personal
Organizations that develop true customer connections will thrive in the digital economy. Learn from Adobe executives, Ryan Reynolds, and executives from Walgreens Boots Alliance, NIKE, and the American Red Cross as they share how customer experiences are the currency of our digital economy. Discover how exceptional, personalized customer experiences are key to business growth today and in the future.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長
JohnDonahoe 氏
President & CEO, NIKE, Inc.
Make the Digital Economy Personal
Organizations that develop true customer connections will thrive in the digital economy. Learn from Adobe executives, Ryan Reynolds, and executives from Walgreens Boots Alliance, NIKE, and the American Red Cross as they share how customer experiences are the currency of our digital economy. Discover how exceptional, personalized customer experiences are key to business growth today and in the future.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長
GailMcGovern 氏
President & CEO, American Red Cross
Make the Digital Economy Personal
Organizations that develop true customer connections will thrive in the digital economy. Learn from Adobe executives, Ryan Reynolds, and executives from Walgreens Boots Alliance, NIKE, and the American Red Cross as they share how customer experiences are the currency of our digital economy. Discover how exceptional, personalized customer experiences are key to business growth today and in the future.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 管理職
LorenzoBertelli 氏
Group Marketing Director and Head of CSR, PRADA Group
Make the Digital Economy Personal
Organizations that develop true customer connections will thrive in the digital economy. Learn from Adobe executives, Ryan Reynolds, and executives from Walgreens Boots Alliance, NIKE, and the American Red Cross as they share how customer experiences are the currency of our digital economy. Discover how exceptional, personalized customer experiences are key to business growth today and in the future.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長
ShantanuNarayen 氏
Chairman & CEO, Adobe
Make the Digital Economy Personal
Organizations that develop true customer connections will thrive in the digital economy. Learn from Adobe executives, Ryan Reynolds, and executives from Walgreens Boots Alliance, NIKE, and the American Red Cross as they share how customer experiences are the currency of our digital economy. Discover how exceptional, personalized customer experiences are key to business growth today and in the future.
Adobe Summit 2022
- 海外講演者
- 民間企業
- ディスカッション
- 社長
AnilChakravarthy 氏
President, Digital Experience Business, Adobe
Make the Digital Economy Personal
Organizations that develop true customer connections will thrive in the digital economy. Learn from Adobe executives, Ryan Reynolds, and executives from Walgreens Boots Alliance, NIKE, and the American Red Cross as they share how customer experiences are the currency of our digital economy. Discover how exceptional, personalized customer experiences are key to business growth today and in the future.
Adobe MAX 2021
- 国内講演者
- 他所属
- その他職名
山下大輔 氏
After Effectsの3D機能でさらにリッチなモーションを作ろう
モーショングラフィックスをさらにかっこよく見せたいけどどうしたらわからない、そんな悩みを解決するにはAfter Effectsの3D機能を取り入れてさらにリッチな表現を制作することをお勧めします。このセッションではAfter Effectsに関する3Dの基礎から更なる進化ポイント、そしてリッチなモーショングラフィックの作成方法まであますことなくご紹介します。